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By: Isoromulator

Kingdom - The Best Ways To Earn Coins


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1. Play through the game's many levels to earn coins.

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2. Collect the coins that are dropped by enemies and obstacles as you play.

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3. Use your coins to purchase power-ups and other items from the game's store.

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4. Complete special tasks and objectives to earn bonus coins.

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5. Connect with Facebook to share your progress and compare your coin totals with friends.

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6. Visit the game's Coin Shop regularly to spend your coins on new characters and other items.

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7. Participate in daily events for bonus coins.

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8. Use your coins to purchase boosters that will help you earn more coins while playing.

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9. Exchange your coins for gems, which can be used to buy even more powerful boosters.

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10. Keep playing and earning coins so that you can continue expanding your Cookie Run: Kingdom collection!

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