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By: Isoromulator

The Best Anime Fighting Games On PS4, Ranked


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1. Dragon Ball FighterZ: Dragon Ball FighterZ is a 3v3 combatant with loads of fascinating characters and strategic depth.

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2. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: This game brings the world of Naruto to life in stunning fashion on the PlayStation 4.

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3. BlazBlue: Central Fiction: This classic anime fighter has made its way to the PlayStation 4, and it's as good as ever.

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4. Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2: This fast-paced fighting game offers tonnes of great content and impressive visuals.

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5. The King Of Fighters XIV: The King Of Fighters XIV is a popular Japanese fighting game on PlayStation 4 with an impressive roster of characters.

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6. Street Fighter V: This classic fighting game has been given a fresh coat of paint on the PS4, and it looks better than ever.

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7. Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition: This stunning PS4 game combines all three Killer Instinct installments.

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8. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3: If you're looking for an anime-style brawler, then this is the game for you.

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9. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: This unique fighter features battles between iconic anime characters.

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10. Samurai Shodown V Special: The PS4 version of this classic fighter looks excellent.

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